Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Us. And the dog.

After all of the hoopla about blogging, I suppose it's time I jump on the bandwagon. I have always been a closet writer of sorts, so today is the day I put it out there.
A little about who I am can be summed up in a couple rather short sentences: Us. And the dog. I have a fantastically perfect better half that seems to keep me together and hold me up. I still haven't quite figured out how he can tolerate such massive quantities of me, but he does, and I'm glad for that. Andrew is my everything. And then, there's the dog. Bailey is our 5 year old labradoodle and the entertainment committee at our house. Neither of us have ever known an animal to be so outrageously intelligent and unintelligent both at the same time. We never thought we would be the people who considered their dog like a child. That's crazy. And weird. And no one likes those people. But here we are. Those people. Thankfully we have friends that like him as much as we do... or at least who like US enough to pretend to. So this is going to be the stories that come from my day to day life with my darling love and our dog.


  1. seriously. vintage darling is the cutest name ever. for the record i think that you two and the dog are, indeed, kind of fabulous.

  2. YAY! Welcome to the world of blogging! I look forward to reading about you and Drew....quite possibly the cutest couple ever.

  3. thanks girls... i've been reading both of yours for a while now and decided its time i get with the program:)
