Tuesday, July 5, 2011

just happy, that's all.

I can't really explain how happy it makes me to look back at all the little adventures I've got to share with my darling. I guess it really is about all the little things. I've done and seen more than I ever thought I would. And I'm not even barely finished.

Of all the adventures to date, I think our home has been the best one. Every day, we learn some new quirk about our little brick corner on Murrell Street. No matter how tiny our bathroom, there is no one I would rather be smashed up against while I'm drying my hair and applying my mascara then him. Throw a giant black bear dog in the mix, and things just get even better. No matter how messy my closet is because I just don't seem to have enough room for one more pair of shoes, there is no ones blue jeans I would rather have to throw out of my way then his. No matter where we go or where we end up, our first home together will always be my best memories. Every tiny inch of it.

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